From Transcriptomics to Drug Discovery

From Transcriptomics to Drug Discovery

Wednesday, July 27, 2022
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Presenters: Timothy Richardson, PhD, and Travis Johnson, PhD

Organization: Indiana Biosciences Research Institute, Indianapolis, Indiana

Timothy Richardson, PhD, is the scientific director of molecular innovation at the Indiana Biosciences Research Institute (IBRI), where he is applying his academic and industrial experience in collaboration with institute scientists and external research partners to drive translational science that rapidly advances novel therapeutics for unmet medical needs.

Richardson also is a senior research professor in the department of clinical pharmacology at the Indiana University (IU) School of Medicine where his primary responsibilities include leading the Medicinal Chemistry Core of the IUSM-Purdue TREAT-AD (Target Enablement to Accelerate Therapy Development for Alzheimer's Disease) Center.

Travis Johnson, PhD, is a visiting assistant research professor of biostatistics and health data science at the IBRI. He is a researcher working at the intersection of data science, medicine and human genetics. In his role at the IBRI, he supports efforts across disease teams to analyze high throughput data, facilitate the use of complex computational tools and develop novel data science solutions.

Before his start at the IBRI, Johnson started a faculty position at the IU School of Medicine's department of biostatistics and health data science. During that time, he developed an independent research focus in machine learning, high throughput sequencing analysis, single cell technologies and multi-omics.

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